Philanthropy, non profits, charity. All of these tend to fall into a similar bucket – the idea of helping others, particularly those who are unable to help themselves. Getting involved with nonprofits can be a noble cause, but it can be a difficult one as well. There is so much that goes into nonprofits, from logistics to fundraising and so much more. A great way to learn more about the topic is to read a few books on it. Here are some of the best books on nonprofits to check out in 2022.
The Networked Nonprofit – Beth Kanter & Allison Fine
Nonprofits can create an online community that is passionate about their mission and ready to help by implementing a social media strategy. In The Networked Nonprofit, co-written by Beth Kanter and Allison Fine, they show how nonprofits can use the power of social media to drive change. The book debunks some of the most common myths about social media and shows how nonprofits can use it to their advantage. It also helps organizations develop effective marketing strategies and increase their efforts. If you are a nonprofit looking to get involved with social media, this is the book for you.
No More Duct Tape Fundraising – Rachel Ramjattan
Rachel Ramjattan, a CFRE, author of No More Duct Tape Fundraising, provides an eight-step process that will help you become an inspirational and successful fundraising leader. This book can help you build a successful team and raise money efficiently. Whether you’re a seasoned professional or a new entrepreneur, this guide will give you the confidence to take on any fundraising challenge.
Changing The World Without Losing Your Mind – Alex Counts
With over 30 years of experience in social entrepreneurship, Alex Counts has written a must-read for anyone who is interested in learning more about how to lead a successful organization. This book provides practical advice on everything from fundraising to team building and communication.
Charity Case – Dan Pallotta
In his book, Dan Pallotta argues that the way society talks about charity is preventing nonprofits from addressing some of the world’s most critical issues, such as poverty and hunger. He offers a blueprint for how civic leaders can transform the way they think about giving. This includes taking legal steps against defamation, as well as ending the cycle that keeps them from being able to provide effective services.